Malaysia’s 50 Richest 2024: Winners and Trends in a Moderate Growth Year

Malaysia's 50 Richest 2024

Malaysia’s economic performance in 2024 was marked by moderate growth. This was reflected in the wealth of the nation’s richest individuals, as compiled by Forbes in their annual “Malaysia’s 50 Richest 2024” list. While the overall wealth increase was modest, some tycoons defied the trend and saw significant growth in their fortunes.

Modest Growth for the Top 50

  • Combined Wealth Up Slightly: Despite a 9% rise in the Malaysian stock market, a weakening ringgit (Malaysia’s currency) offset some of the gains. As a result, the combined net worth of the top 50 richest Malaysians grew by only 2% to reach $83.4 billion in 2024.

Winners and Losers

  • Big Gains for Select Few: Not all tycoons experienced the same level of growth. While some saw their wealth decline, others emerged as big winners.
  • Property and Tech Lead the Way: Sectors like property and technology witnessed significant growth, propelling the fortunes of individuals involved in these industries.

Who Topped the List?

  • Robert Kuok Retains Top Spot: Business mogul Robert Kuok, who recently turned 100 years old, remains the richest person in Malaysia. His net worth stands at a staggering $11.5 billion.

Big Gainers

The list also saw some remarkable climbers:

  • Francis Yeoh & Siblings (YTL Corporation): This family’s wealth more than tripled to $4.7 billion, propelling them to the number 7 spot.
  • Jeffrey Cheah (Sunway Group): Cheah, a property magnate, saw his wealth more than double to $2.4 billion. This significant increase secured him a place among the top 10 richest Malaysians for the first time. His company, Sunway, is strategically focusing on the healthcare sector for future growth.

Other Interesting Trends

  • Generational Shift: The list reflects a generational shift, with younger individuals taking the reins at some prominent companies. This is evident in the rise of young leaders at NagaCorp (casino firm) and Westports (ports operator).
  • Real Estate Opportunities: Despite the moderate economic growth, land banking (acquiring land for future development).

Key Takeaways

While Malaysia’s economic growth in 2024 was moderate, the fortunes of the nation’s 50 richest individuals paint a more nuanced picture. Some sectors, like property and technology, thrived, leading to significant wealth gains for those involved. The list also highlights a generational shift, with younger leaders emerging in certain industries.


  • How is wealth measured for this list? Forbes uses a combination of stock prices, publicly available financial statements, and private information from sources familiar with the businesses to estimate net worth.
  • What factors influence the wealth of these individuals? The wealth of these individuals is tied to the performance of their companies and the overall health of the Malaysian economy. Stock market performance, currency fluctuations, and industry trends all play a role.


The 2024 Malaysia’s 50 Richest list offers a glimpse into the economic landscape of the nation. It highlights the resilience of certain sectors, the rise of new leaders, and the enduring appeal of strategic land acquisition. While overall growth was modest, the story of Malaysia’s wealthiest individuals remains one of adaptation, innovation, and the pursuit of opportunity.

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